Lamp adaptation UK USA to EU

Lamp adaptation UK USA to EU

Adaptation of lamps in vehicles, we are modifications aimed at allowing them to be admitted to traffic in the European Union. What is the process of adapting the lamp in vehicles? The process of adapting the light imported from Great Britain consists in shifting the light to the right. In the system selection method, the aperture card.

What is the specificity of the conversion of UK and USA lamps? The lamp adaptation process is a two-step process - first you need to remake the lamp and then take turns to install the fixtures in sequence. Adaptation of lighting in this case of territories with a change of color in the direction indicators. Vehicles designed to shine intensely in the European Union may use fluorescent lamps in the United States of America and South America. In Great Britain, on the other hand, we are primarily concerned with the world to the left, to the right. Take advantage of the services of Auto Gamma!
Lamp adaptation UK USA to EU london
Adaptacja Lamp USA UK

Advantages of left-hand traffic

Many drivers see only the advantages of driving on the left. One and the most important of them is safety - it allows better visibility of oncoming vehicles. It can also turn out to be more instinctive in an emergency, as most people, wanting to avoid a crash, turn left involuntarily, which in the case of right-hand traffic causes the exit to the opposite lane. Left-hand traffic in the same situation allows you to leave the road, which reduces the risk of an accident. One of the significant differences resulting from left-hand traffic is the design of the headlamps. If you want to drive on our roads with a car adapted to the roads of Great Britain, it will be necessary to adapt the lamps. Not everyone knows that left-hand traffic is a natural phenomenon that dates back to antiquity. Left-hand traffic was in force even in Poland. We owe the introduction of the right-hand movement to the French Revolution and the left-handed Napoleon Bonaparte, who set up the army to march on the right, which confused the enemy's troops. To this day, left-hand traffic is characteristic of Great Britain and the countries that were once its colonies and is valid in about 60 countries.

Use the services of Auto Gamma - we professionally convert UK and US lamps to the European standard.

What is the adaptation of UK and USA lamps?

Lamp adaptation is a series of modifications that are necessary for the lamps to meet the EU traffic approval requirements. The beam of car lamps in the UK is directed slightly to the left, thanks to which the roadside on which pedestrians may be located is properly illuminated while driving. Such setting of the lamps in a country with right-hand traffic would dazzle oncoming drivers. Lamp adaptation is a procedure consisting in replacing the lens aperture so that the light falls asymmetrically in an inverted manner to the UK. The adaptation must comply with European standards (in the USA, for example, the headlight shines symmetrically).

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Price of service

from 800 PLN

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